PTA Board & Committee chairs
President: Courtney Summers
Vice President: Erin Lynds
Treasurer: Ashley Sanchez
Secretary: Ada Selph
Parliamentarian: CJ Evans
PTA Membership Committee + Volunteer Coordinator
This team is responsible for promoting membership in the SMS PTA. Conduct ongoing enrollment of members throughout the year. Send National and State PTA dues, accompanied by names of members to the TX PTA office. Distribute membership cards and maintain membership lists.
Other responsibilities will be to coordinate volunteers for PTA-sponsored events throughout the year using SignUpGenius + Raptor. This committee will work with the office to ensure that all volunteers have a background check on file, and that all volunteer hours are loaded into the FWISD Volunteer system.
Restaurant Night / General Fundraising Coordinator
Coordinate 2-4 restaurant night events to benefit Stripling Middle PTA.
Organize and promote Box Tops for Education, Amazon Smile, Albertsons/Tom Thumb and any other ongoing means of fundraising to benefit the SMS PTA.
Work to establish partnerships with local banks, businesses and corporations.
Spirit Wear
We will need help getting the word out about spirit wear sales and distribution of items when they arrive.
8th Grade Celebration & Graduation Committee
The committee is responsible for raising funds for an 8th grade celebration day (typically a full day event at Main Event in North FW). Past fundraising has included: 8th grade shirts, out-of-dress bands, dance concessions, and restaurant nights. This committee is also responsible for organizing decorations + refreshments following the 8th grade graduation ceremony in May.
Teacher Appreciation
The Teacher Appreciation committee sponsors 2 luncheons each year as well as additional surprises for the teachers and staff throughout the entire school year.
This committee is responsible for organizing all events for the annual Spotlight fundraiser and silent auction. This event takes place in November.
Campus beautification
This committee seeks volunteers to help water the landscape and participate in events to plant flowers, etc. as we beautify the campus.
Dance Committee
This committee chairs 2 dances/events per year. This committee is responsible for the theme, concessions, dance tickets and dance volunteers for each event.
Student Engagement/Enrichment Committee
This committee promotes awareness and programs concerning educational issues and encourages participation in state and local educational issues. Examples include: monitor and reports on local school board meetings, keeps members abreast of any educational issues or projects.
Plan/schedule Student/Parent Education Programs to be presented during SMS PTA General Meetings.
Work with WEB Leaders, STUCO, and NJHS student and faculty leaders to ensure that communication is current on any events, opportunities and activities.
Identify student ambassadors to serve on this committee to help identify issues that need to be addressed by the SMS PTA.
Promote the development of programs and activities that 1) assist in securing for all children the goal of enduring peace and 2) foster understanding and appreciation of the diverse cultures within our own nation and those of other countries that, with us, comprise the global community.
Promote scholarship and grant opportunities for college
UIL Parent Coordinator
This committee works with the SMS UIL coordinator to ensure that the event runs seamlessly. This could include assisting with the coordination of volunteers, UIL shirts for students, concessions, lunch/breakfast for student participants on the day of the UIL event. The UIL event typically occurs in February.
For more information or to participate in any of these roles, please emai us at